The GEFOS study is a project aimed at identifying genetic determinants of musculoskeletal and aging-related traits. It focuses on genetic risk factors for osteoporosis, novel
Bone: A rigid body tissue that makes up our body’s skeleton.
Craft: Skill and experience
Bone Craft comprises the expertise and experience of the Translational Genomics of the Skeleton team at Erasmus MC. Our group is committed to transforming genomic discoveries into tangible clinical solutions for individuals vulnerable to musculoskeletal disorders and other complex diseases.
Our research enhances musculoskeletal health by analyzing bone density, body composition, muscle strength, and spinal alignment. We improve fracture risk prediction and develop interventions through advanced analytical tools, including machine learning, applied to Big Data from population and patient cohorts, integrating genetics, environment, and lifestyle for better health outcomes.
Translational Genomics, where cutting-edge genetic research meets practical healthcare solutions. Our focus includes personalized treatments, genomics-assisted decision-making, and integrating clinical and population-based studies. We aim to improve patient outcomes, enhance disease understanding, and develop targeted interventions.
My PhD topic is Exploring the effects of exposome factors on musculoskeletal traits. Osteoporosis is considered as a systemic multifactorial disease caused by a combination of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. “Exposome” was first defined by Wild as the totality of human environmental (meaning all non-genetic) exposures from conception onwards, complementing the genome.
My favorite food is Cantonese cuisine. And l love playing basketbal
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