

The Legendae study is a Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco.

Logo of the SINTER Study at Erasmus MC.


The Erasmus Medical Center Skeletal Fragility (SINTER) Study, starting in June 2024, will recruit 5250 participants over 18 from various outpatient clinics. Skeletal fragility, often due to osteoporosis or other diseases, results from imbalances in bone resorption and formation. Advances in genetic research, like Mendelian randomization using polygenic risk scores (PRS), establish causal links between risk factors and health outcomes. The study uses the “Recall by Genotype” design to select participants based on genetic data. It aims to integrate genetic and clinical data to understand skeletal fragility, explore related conditions, and investigate determinants of bone health while capturing patient perspectives on genetic research.


The GEnomics of MusculoSkeletal traits TranslatiOnal Network (GEMSTONE) COST Action, is a European research network funded by COST Association. This network fosters collaboration among experts in genetics, epidemiology, bioinformatics, and clinical medicine across Europe, to enhance the translation of genomic discoveries in the musculoskeletal field, into clinical applications. Participants include researchers and clinicians from various academic and medical institutions, chosen for their relevant expertise.

Cost Action GEMSTONE logo
FIDELIO study of Bone health in diabetes


FIDELIO, funded by Horizon 2020, trained researchers on bone fragility in type 2 diabetes, focusing on genetic mechanisms and biomarkers for improved detection and treatment of diabetes-induced osteoporosis.


The GEFOS study is a project aimed at identifying genetic determinants of musculoskeletal and aging-related traits. It focuses on genetic risk factors for osteoporosis, novel bone phenotypes, and gene-environment interactions, and translating findings into clinical practice. Since 2008, GEFOS has made numerous genomic discoveries in bone and muscle phenotypes, including BMD, lean mass, and grip strength, through large-scale GWAS meta-analyses.


The Rotterdam Study, is a prospective cohort study on risk factors and determinants of chronic diseases in middle-aged and elderly persons, that started in 1990.


Generation R is a multi-ethnic prospective cohort study from fetal lifeuntil young adulthood in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.